Ukraine Advisory – June11, 2022

RMS Protective Services


Connor Lavery

Advisory Report: 6/11/2022 

Major Events 




Bakhmut Shelling Continues 

Bakhmut, Ukraine 


Belarus Military Extends Air Space Closure 



Ukrainian Forces Counterattack in Brazhkivka 

Brazhkivka, Ukraine 


Continued Shelling in Dergachi 

Dergachi, Ukraine 


Russian Forces Continue Shelling Dnipropetrovsk 

Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 


Russian Forces Shelled Dobryanka 

Dobryanka, Ukraine 


Continued Shelling in Kharkiv 

Kharkiv, Ukraine 


Russian Forces Build Checkpoints in Kherson 

Kherson, Ukraine 


Ukraine Forces Counterattack in Kherson Vicinity 

Kherson Vicinity, Ukraine 


Intensified Shelling in Lysychansk 

Lysychansk, Ukraine 


Clashes Continue in Popasna 

Popasna, Ukraine 


Clashes Continue in Severodonetsk 

Severodonetsk, Ukraine 


Continued Clashes in Toshkivka 

Toshkivka, Ukraine 


Shelling Reported in Velkopysarivka 

Velkopysarivka, Ukraine 



Next week, the European Commission will determine whether Ukraine can become a candidate for EU  membership, EC President Ursula von der Leyen said during her second visit to Kyiv since the start of the  war. (SourceTelegram)  

Russian forces are now in control of most of Severodonetsk, the epicenter of the bloody battle for Ukraine’s  eastern Donbas region. Street fighting continued to rage on Saturday in the eastern city, where Russian  soldiers and Ukrainian troops are still locked in battle. (SourceCNN)  

Part of Donetsk Oblast without electricity due to Russian shelling. Donetsk Oblast Governor Pavlo Kyrylenko  said the northern part of Donetsk Oblast, including some of its largest cities, has been left without power  after Russian shelling damaged power lines. (SourceTelegram)  

Three Russian occupiers killed in mine explosion in Mariupol. Aide to Mariupol mayor Petro  Andriushchenko said a Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations vehicle exploded after driving over a mine  in Mariupol. Two ministry employees and one Russian soldier were killed. (SourceTelegram) 


As of today, the customs E-declaration for humanitarian goods has started working. You can use the service  at the link – 

o How it works for foreign citizens and citizens of Ukraine who do not use electronic services  electronic signature, BankID, MobileID : 

o From any country in the world, you can fill out a pre-customs E-declaration for humanitarian goods. 

All questionnaires are immediately included in the database of the State Customs Service of Ukraine and duplicated  to the declarant by e-mail. 

o After receiving the declaration, please print it out and sign it. 

o Pass the printed and signed declaration to the customs representative while crossing the Ukrainian  border.  


Border Information – Belarus:  

o Belarus-Ukraine: Borders remain closed. 

Border Information – Hungary:  

o Hungary-Ukraine: Borders are open. The rules for crossing borders in Hungary have not changed  since the beginning of the crisis. Waiting times according to the April 4th OSAC report state wait  times for vehicles at the Border Crossing Points are less than 15 minutes.  

o The U.S. Embassy in Hungary encourages U.S. citizens traveling into Hungary by land from Ukraine  to cross at the Záhony border crossing. The U.S. embassy will have staff stationed near this crossing  to aid. Please contact or call +36-1-475-4400 (ask for American Citizens  Services). U.S. citizens do not need a visa to enter Hungary but should be prepared to show proof  of COVID vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test. See here for additional information about  availability of ATMs, gas stations, etc., as well as FAQs about travel from Zahony border to Kisvarda. 

The process for obtaining Temporary Protected Status and what protections and support it  entails remain murky. Third-country nationals can only remain in temporary protected  

status for 30 days without the possibility of extension or asylum application. Many third 

country nationals are coming up against their 30-day mark this week and are unable to  

renew TPS or leave Hungary. 

Official wait times for vehicles at the border crossing points from Ukraine into Hungary on  the Hungarian side of the border as of 1300 local were all normal. Low crossing numbers  from Ukraine continue, with increasing numbers at the Romanian border crossing in the  

past 72 hours. 

o The Prime Minister’s Office announced that beginning March 21st the government would open a  large refugee waiting area near Keleti train station in Budapest. 

Border Information – Moldova:  

o Moldova-Ukraine: Borders are open, except for the Kuchurgan-Pervomaisk crossing point, which is  closed. The Moldova government officially reported that all border crossings were open with no  traffic as of March 23rd

The Moldova government officially reported that all border crossings were open with no  traffic as of March 24th.  

On March 24th, the busiest border crossing points were Leușeni, Sculeni, Palanca, Otaci  and Giurgiulești-Galați. 

o The government of Moldova has established transportation systems to move refugees to third  party countries. Buses run from the Moldovan border to the Chisinau rail station for free onward  travel to Poland and Romania. Starting March 10, direct bus lines are running from Moldova to  Czech Republic, Germany, and Poland, many of which are free of charge. 

Border Information – Poland: 

o Poland-Ukraine: On March 28th, U.S. Embassies Kyiv and Warsaw released a security alert  announcing that after more than six weeks assisting U.S. citizens arriving in Poland from Ukraine,  the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw is closing its American Citizen Welcome Center, located at the SPA  Gloria Hotel in Przemysl, Poland, on Wednesday, March 30.  

o All border crossing-points are open. Vehicles with goods of Russian origin may have their cargo  confiscated by Ukrainian customs authorities. Official border wait times are being reported less  frequently to the U.S. Embassy: 

Dorohusk-Jagodzin: Less than 1 hour 

Zosin-Uscilug: Less than 1 hour 

Dolhobyczow: Less than 1 hour 

Hrebenne: Less than 1 hour 

Budomierz-Hruszow: Less than 1 hour 

Korczowa-Krakowiec: Less than 1 hour 

Medyka: Less than 1 hour 

Kroscienko: Less than 1 hour 

o Organizations planning to transport humanitarian aid are requested to provide the following  information: 

Number of vehicles in the convoy, 

Vehicle registration numbers, 

Indication of the country of registration of vehicles, and 

If possible, the approximate period of travel on Polish territory (in both directions). 

o To obtain an exemption for individual vehicles or a convoy with humanitarian aid, all the above mentioned information should be sent to the Ministry of Infrastructure by e-mail to: In addition, if the route of a vehicle or convoy with humanitarian aid  runs through one of the toll motorway sections managed by private companies, it is possible to  exempt these vehicles from the obligation to pay the toll if they contact the relevant  

concessionaire in advance and provide information also to the above-mentioned address. 

o Outbound checks are reported to occur anywhere between 10 to 50km before reaching the border  and guards are enforcing the country’s current law that requires Ukrainian males between the ages  of 18 and 60 to join the Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces. Due to the number of vehicles trying  to cross into Poland, wait times at the border crossings can vary from no wait to as much as 24  hours.  

Border Information – Romania: 

o Romania-Ukraine: Borders are open. The Romanian Border Police are providing daily information  updates on the situation at Romanian borders with Ukraine. All border crossings with Ukraine now  have official wait times under 30 minutes, except for Isaccea, which is estimated at 30 minutes. 

(  Wait times at border crossings with Moldova remain low, with no crossing reporting a wait  time more than 20 minutes. 

Traffic into Hungary continues to flow smoothly at all crossing points. Wait times to exit  Romania along the border with Hungary average around 10-20 minutes, according to the  government website. 

o From 15 March to 13 April 2022, temporary derogation of the provisions on driving times, breaks  and rest periods applies in Romania for transport of goods conducted with vehicles with a  maximum permitted weight of more than 3.5 tons. 

Temporary derogation from Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 applies as follow: 

The daily driving time may not exceed 11 hours 

The maximum weekly driving time may be increased to 60 hours 

The maximum driving time per two consecutive weeks may be increased to 96 hours 

The maximum driving time before a break may be increased to 5.5 hours 

The normal weekly rest period of at least 45 hours may be taken in the vehicle 

o Drivers who take advantage of this derogation must enter handwritten cases on the back of the  analog tachograph record sheet or digital tachograph printout. 

Border Information – Russia:  

o Russia-Ukraine: Borders remain closed. 

Border Information – Slovakia: 

o Slovakia-Ukraine: Borders are open. The police force ensures normal operation at the border  crossings with Ukraine. All border crossings on the border with Ukraine are in operation – except  for the railway border crossing Čierna nad Tisou – Čop, where passenger traffic has been stopped. 

For the moment, entry is possible for persons who do not have a valid travel document  (biometric passport) as well. In such a case, it is necessary to apply for temporary refuge or  asylum. If you are traveling with children, it is recommended that you have at least your  

child’s birth certificate with you. 

Persons without a valid passport are recommended to carry other documents (e.g., ID  card, driver’s license, residence permit in Ukraine, birth certificates of children, etc.). 

If an unaccompanied child crosses the border, the competent authority shall, in  

cooperation with the police, coordinate the placement of the child in the selected facility.


Source: UK Ministry of Defense 6/09/2022 

Russian forces are engaged in four primary efforts at this time: 

o Main effort—Eastern Ukraine (comprised of one subordinate and three supporting efforts).  Subordinate main effort- Encirclement of Ukrainian troops in the cauldron between Izyum  and Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts 

Supporting effort 1—Mariupol  

Supporting effort 2—Kharkiv City 

Supporting effort 3—Southern axis 

Activities in Russian-occupied areas 

Russian forces build fortified checkpoints in Kherson Oblast. Ukraine’s Armed Forces report on that Russian forces are focusing on strengthening their positions by improving fortification equipment of the 2nd and  3rd lines of defense in the southern regions of Ukraine. A number of fortified checkpoints made of  reinforced concrete have been located near the bridges across a 400-kilometer-long North Crimean Canal,  linking occupied Crimea with the Dnipro River. (SourceTelegram)  

In the Slavic direction, the enemy carried out systematic artillery shelling. Ukrainian soldiers successfully  repulsed an enemy assault in the areas of Brazhkivka, Dolyna and Vernopil. The occupiers withdrew. With  the support of mortars, artillery, and multiple rocket launchers, the enemy is trying to gain a foothold in  Bogorodichnoye, and fighting continues. The enemy is actively using electronic warfare. (SourceTelegram

In the Lyman direction, the enemy units did not take active action. In the direction of the city of Lysychansk,  the enemy increased the intensity of the use of artillery and jet artillery and took measures to strengthen  the group of troops. He fired artillery at civilian infrastructure near Serebryanka and Belogorovka. (Source:  Telegram)


Source: Institute for the Study of War 6/11/2022 

Russian forces launched ground assaults on Severodonetsk and several surrounding settlements on June  11th. The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Ukrainian forces are resisting Russian assaults on  Severodonetsk and repelled a Russian attack on Metolkine, just southeast of Severodonetsk. (SourceISW)  

In Belarus , the terms of checking the combat readiness of the Belarusian army and closing the airspace  have been extended . There is also a threat of missile and air strikes from the territory of this country,  according to the General Staff. (SourceTelegram)  

Russian forces continued to launch offensive operations against Toshkivka, likely in an effort to secure the  western Siverskyi Donets riverbank. (SourceISW) 

Russian forces conducted offensive operations east and west of Popasna likely to interdict Ukrainian ground  lines of communication (GLOCs) to Lysychansk and Severodonetsk. Russian forces withdrew to their  previously occupied position after launching failed attacks against Mykolaivka and Berestove, both located  in the vicinity of the Bakhmut-Lysychansk T1302 highway. (SourceISW)  

Source: Institute for the Study of War 6/11/2022 

Luhansk Oblast Head Serhiy Haidai stated that Russian forces entered Orihove (approximately 4 km east of T1303) and are strengthening positions at the northern outskirts of the settlement. Geolocated footage showed that Russian and Chechen units also took control over a train station in Komyshuvakha  (approximately 7 km west of T1303) and will likely attempt to link up with units advancing from Orihove.  (SourceISW)  

Russian forced resumed attacks southwest of Izyum and towards Slovyansk on June 11th. The Ukrainian  General Staff reported that Russian forces launched a series of unsuccessful assaults on Brazhkivka and  Virnopillia to reach Barvinkove, approximately 35km southwest of Izyum. (SourceISW) 

Geolocated footage showed that Russian forces entered the northern outskirts of Bohorodychne  (approximately 25 km southeast of Izyum) on June 11th. (SourceISW)

According to social media reports, in the Bakhmut direction, the enemy conducted artillery shelling of our  positions near Mykolayivka, Bilohorivka, Hirsky, Komyshuvakha, and Novoluhansky. Using army aircraft, he  launched an air strike near Pokrovsky. (Source: Telegram)  

Russian troops fired on two communities in the Dnipropetrovsk region. They were beaten by artillery and  “Hurricanes”: two people were injured. (SourceTelegram)  

Source: Institute for the Study of War 6/11/2022 

In the afternoon, Russian troops dropped two explosives on the Velykopysarivka community in the Sumy  region. Immediately after that, the enemy fired artillery. Fortunately, there are no injuries or casualties. (SourceTelegram)  

According to the Institute for the Study of War, there were no significant developments in northern Kharkiv  Oblast on June 11th. Russian forces fired on Kharkiv City and Ukrainian positions northeast of the city. Ukrainian forces continued to target Russian ammunition depots in occupied settlements south of Kharkiv  City. (SourceISW

The Kherson City Council reported that Ukrainian forces are conducting counteroffensives in Kyselivka,  Soldatske, and Oleksandrivka, all within 40 km of Kherson City. (Source: ISW)  

On June 10th, the Russian military fired cluster munitions at Dergachi. Two people were injured in the  shelling. On June 11th, shelling continued, shells fell on the outskirts of the city, there were no casualties,  according to Derhachiv community leader Vyacheslav Zadorenko. (Source: Telegram)  

In the South Buz direction, the enemy fired at Ukrainian positions in the areas of Dobryanka, Velyka  Kostromka, Murakhivka, and Prybuzky in order to deter our troops. The enemy also tried to fight the  battery. (Source: Telegram)  


SourceWorld Nuclear News 

The site of Zaporizhzhya NPP, Ukraine and Europe’s largest NPP, remains under the control of the Russian  forces there. I have repeatedly expressed my grave concern at the extremely stressful and challenging  working conditions under which Ukrainian management and staff are operating the plant. The current  

situation is untenable. Every day it continues; every day that vital maintenance work is delayed; every day  that supply chain interruptions cause a break in the delivery of vital equipment; every day the decision making ability of Ukrainian staff is compromised; every day the independent work and assessments of  Ukraine’s regulator are undermined; the risk of an accident or a security breach increases. (SourceIAEA

Under extraordinary circumstances, the IAEA in close collaboration with Ukraine, has made notable  progress in identifying and beginning to address what needs to be done to uphold the highest possible level  of safety and security at Ukraine’s nuclear facilities, while continuing to implement safeguards under  Ukraine’s Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement and the Additional Protocol. (Source: IAEA)  

Regarding the country’s operational reactors, Ukraine told the IAEA today that eight are currently  connected to the grid, including two at the ZNPP, three at the Rivne NPP, two at the South Ukraine NPP,  and one at the Khmelnytskyy NPP. The seven other reactors are shut down for regular maintenance or held  in reserve. Safety systems remain operational at the four NPPs, and they also continue to have off-site  power available, Ukraine said. (Source: IAEA)  

With respect to safeguards, the IAEA is continuing technical attempts, with the assistance of the operator,  to re-establish the transmission of remote safeguards data to IAEA headquarters from the ZNPP that  stopped on 30 May. The IAEA continues to receive safeguards data from its systems installed at the other  three operational NPPs in Ukraine and from the Chornobyl NPP. (SourceIAEA)  

In Ukraine 15 pressurized water reactors of Russian VVER design are operated by the State Enterprise  National Nuclear Energy Generating Company “Energoatom” at four plants. These plants operate under  nuclear safety regulations implemented by the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU). (SourceNuclear Energy Agency)  

o Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant has two existing reactors and two reactors under construction. Khmelnitsky NPP was inspected by the International Atomic Energy Agency on 11 March  under the agreement between Ukraine and the IAEA in connection with the Treaty on the  Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The inspection was conducted by inspectors of the  Agency with the participation of an SNRIU inspector. The purpose of the inspection was to  verify the absence of undeclared nuclear material and information on the design of the  

nuclear installation provided to Ukraine in accordance with the Agreement.  

One reactor was in operation on 13 April. 

o Rivne nuclear power plant has four reactors. On 13 April two of these reactors were in operation. o South Ukraine nuclear power plant has three reactors, two of which were in operation on 4 April. o Zaporizhzia nuclear power plant has six reactors. Information received from the State Nuclear  Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine is that:  

Unit 1 is in outage. 

Unit 2 remained connected to the grid on 13 April. 

Unit 3 were disconnected from the grid on 4 March and was in cold shutdown mode on 6  March.  

Unit 4 remained connected to the grid on 13 April. 

Unit 5 is being cooled down. 

Unit 6 was in cold shutdown mode on 6 March. 

According to available information, the Zaporizhzia nuclear power plant was shelled on the  night of 4 March, but the resulting fire has since been extinguished and had no impact on  essential equipment. The plant management is now under orders from the commander of  the Russian forces that took control of the site. 

Subsequent reports have highlighted that two of the four high voltage (750 kV) offsite  power lines to the site have been damaged. Another high voltage line is on standby. The  

operator informed the IAEA that the plant’s off-site power needs could be provided with  

one power line and that diesel generators were also ready and functional to provide back up power if required. The NEA is closely monitoring the situation.


Anticipating a winter season defined by severe energy crisis, Ukraine will halt all exports of coal, natural gas  and oil, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in an address to the nation on Wednesday. (Source:  Oil Price)  

Gas cylinders at industrial plant in Dnipro explode, killing 2 people. Dnipro Mayor Borys Filatov said on June  3rd that the explosions were not due to a missile or airstrike and that the resultant fire is being  extinguished. (SourceTelegram) 6/03/2022