Executive Summary:
- There are several security risks that may use the disarming seasonal decorations and festive spirit of the holiday season as cover for nefarious activity.
- Cyber-criminals will employ countless internet and telecommunications-borne scams usually referencing an online purchase and tracking information to lure unsuspecting holiday shoppers and gift givers into clicking a compromised URL.
- Strategic criminals may use open-source intelligence (OSINT) and social media to determine an individual’s travel plans and the resulting access to an empty house.
- Regularly occurring seasonal stress may be amplified in some individuals dissatisfied with the election results, the ongoing pro-Palestinian demonstrations, and other ongoing geopolitical issues, such as the conflict in Ukraine.
- Any public gatherings and holiday events, including Christmas tree and Menorah lightings, could serve as an alluring target for protest activity and civil disturbances in both major cities and small towns.
- Individuals, families, or organizations concerned with travel safety, home security, and asset protection should consider consulting RMS International’s intelligence and security professionals for a customized, tailored threat assessment.
Situation Report (SITREP) and Threat Forecast:
The seasonal decorations and festive spirit of the holiday season, which unofficially kicks off on Thanksgiving Day, November 28, 2024, and continues through the new year, prompts many people to “let their guard down.” This is a time for friends and family, not security concerns or risk mitigation. However, there are several security risks that use the disarming seasonal jolliness as cover for nefarious activity.
Cyber-criminals will employ countless internet and telecommunications-borne scams usually referencing an online purchase and tracking information to lure unsuspecting holiday shoppers and gift givers into clicking a compromised URL. Additionally, strategic criminals may use open-source intelligence (OSINT) and social media to determine an individual’s travel plans and the resulting access to an empty house. These risks can be easily mitigated with prudent cyber-security measures and proper digital hygiene.
Additionally, as the United States (US) remains hyper-polarized following the November 2024 General Elections, there is an increased risk for civil disturbances and politically motivated violence. RMS International’s Intelligence Department predicted an increase in politically motivated violence following the first assassination attempt of President-Elect Donald J. Trump. Additionally, according to the American Psychological Association (APA), 38% of people say their stress increases during the holidays. The regularly occurring seasonal stress may be amplified in some individuals dissatisfied with the election results, the ongoing pro-Palestinian demonstrations, and other ongoing geopolitical issues, such as the conflict in Ukraine. Any public gatherings and holiday events, including Christmas tree and Menorah lightings, could serve as an alluring target for protest activity and civil disturbances in both major cities and small towns.
Impact Analysis:
Large public assembly locations and high-profile holiday events will always be alluring targets for protestors and demonstrators seeking to hijack the publicity. While large-scale mobilizations are less likely due to the increased security posture surrounding public assembly locations in the post-September 11th world, there is still a potential for individually launched or small-scale group operations.
Recommended Course of Action:
Individuals, families, or organizations concerned with travel safety, home security, and asset protection should consider consulting RMS International’s intelligence and security professionals for a customized, tailored threat assessment. To find out how to mitigate the risks associated with holiday travel, consider contacting RMS International’s security professionals at ask@rmsiusa.com to develop a customized and resilient protection plan to protect yourself, as well as your organization, assets, personnel, operations and reputation.
About RMS International:
Founded in 2013, RMS International provides ad hoc and contracted close protection, estate security, international travel management, corporate executive protection, personnel and asset security, and discreet investigative services. Operating a state-of-the-art Risk Operations Center in West Palm Beach, they provide 24/7 overwatch of global operations in Asia, Europe, Africa and throughout the Americas. RMS International delivers peace of mind in a chaotic world. Visit us at RMSIUSA.com.